This part was filmed by Justin Castillo. All this footage has been sprinkled in various skate videos over the past few years and all filmed in Miami Florida. AJ has been a part of our Eastern Logic family since 2015. Due to the past few years being pretty rough for travel and life changes we haven’t had a chance to skate together in person and work on projects together. So Justin sent over a bunch of clips I compiled together to archive the footage in one part. Read below as AJ and myself had a short conversation to share with everyone.
What's up AJ! We go way back, and it's been too long since you visited us up north. To start things off, let everyone know how old you are and how long you have been skateboarding?
Heyy what’s up my brother I know long time I’ve all mis ya cousin!!! Well, to start things off I'm 27 and honestly can’t remember let’s just say it’s been a long ride and more to come ahead !!
What is your earliest memory of skateboarding you would like to share?
Well honestly the youngest memory is when my mother found some skaters at a local route she use to go on all the time one day she brought me just to see it with my own eyes and also I didn’t know my mother talked to them already I was so surprised to see ppl skating and way older than me basically grown men I was so scared to even say hi but once they notice me and they all came threw and said hi and ask me what tricks I’ve been learning all I can say was ollie I didn’t know any trick else besides that they taught me how to fs shuv ever since then till day fs shuv’s are my kickflips
That's super rad. You have been getting boards from Snack over the years. When did that start happening?
Yea that’s my family honestly and on the internet, I asked. I was like 16 or 17 at the time
That's a long time now. I saw you went to Jamaica with them, How was your trip out there?
That was a couple of years back honestly one of the best adventures of my life I got to see a whole complete different culture the spot there are amazing cutty but amazing which I love the food was amazing all so and the nightlife is beautiful
That's really cool. Skateboarding gave you the opportunity to go out there, as well as meet me through skateboarding. Would you like to share how you found out about Eastern Logic and the shop?
Wow where do i start i met bill threw the great vine and honestly we back and fourth with ideas projects so one day i just woke and decided to buy a ticket there I honestly didn’t think this was really gonna I honestly thought bill was fake at first we met at the airport and everything change from there on the drive from the airport was just a whole big different Experience i felt like i was in a whole other planet it was surreal when i got to bills house he showed me the whole community and what the vibe was about at that moment i was just so excited because everything i talked in my head it was real after all that i told bill lets get started on a tape and our first EL tape was born after me leaving and coming back a couple years after that the community expanded nd bill was making a shop I remember when he started building it from scratch with another friend named Chandler he was also a good friend and also the best photographer I knew at the time in the city at the city when bill got done building a shop that morning we all took a picture nd from that day on uion was born !!!
I remember we premiered "Neighbors" at the grand opening and your welcome part was in that video. You crushed it for that, You flew out here twice and filmed that part in 6 weeks. What would you say your favorite spots were up here?
Yea it was sick that whole trip was sick I can’t believe it was that long and honestly Ummm that bump to bar I think it was ender to my welcome part I love bump to bars
How do Pittsburgh and Miami differ from each other for skateboarding and just everyday life?
Lol well for one we don't have hills at all at least you guys kinda have hills and bro the nature life is for in PA as well and everything mad quiet where I’m from its a lot of movement lol
You haven't been here since before the pandemic. How did you spend most of your time during the shutdown?
Lurking thinking about ideas working and watching mad anime lmao!!!
What are some of your favorite anime shows and characters?
Mines is DBZ or Naruto Goku is a funny guy but all down for a fight lmao Naruto is also a funny guy but all ways about justice and good which I back
Anime is cool, I don't watch it though. You mentioned you were lurking around a lot during the pandemic. Does that mean finding new spots to film at?
Yea where I’m from its mad hard to get tricks so you lurk and find new ones it just gets you more hyped the vibes just get better it’s all most like you’re making a new painting or writing a new book
So you are in quite a few Florida videos, What are some projects you have parts or tricks in you would like to mention?
Mikey’s video which is call Travelerslounge theres an ollie ride on I did in the hood that was the single funniest clip just got out of the van ppl looked etc I just told myself to do this and keep it moving umm either than that I don’t think about my video part tricks lol I just go with the wind
Travelerslounge is a GEM! I also saw you get a clip in Magenta skateboards Balade' and you and your friend Justin Castillo have been stacking footage over the years and I’ve seen that sprinkled in other videos. How was skating with the Magenta guys?
Honestly, I can’t explain it’s like I already knew the team and all the homies before magenta blew u so let’s just say there all ways family
and thanks me a Justin cooking something new very soon
AJ from our New York trip filming for Timeless Photo shot by Chandler Klein